
Supporting children with challenging behaviour through a nurture group approach

Survey which examines the use of nurture groups and related provision in a small sample of 29 infant, first and primary schools. Nurture groups are small, structured teaching groups for pupils showing signs of behavioural, social or emotional difficulties, particularly those who are experiencing disruption or distress outside of school. The survey considers what makes nurture group provision successful and evaluates the impact on the pupils and their families.

Neglecting the issue: impact, causes and responses to child neglect in the UK

Research on what child neglect is, its impact, causes and responses to it throughout the UK.

In October 2009, Action for Children launched a dedicated campaign to raise awareness of – and funds to directly tackle – child neglect. In the course of the campaign, they spoke to a broad cross-section of society to find out what they know about neglect, if and how they see it, and how they respond to it.

The general public, childcare professionals such as nurses and nursery workers, police, social workers and children themselves were consulted.