
What have I done?: the experiences of children and families in UK immigration detention - lessons to learn

This research investigates the experiences of UK immigration detention of children1 and their families. Numerous research studies (Crawley and Lester, 2005; Lorek et al, 2009; Burnett et al, 2010) and inspection reports (Aynsley-Green, 2005; HMIP, 2008; 2010) have highlighted that the experience of detention, even for a relatively brief period of time, has a detrimental effect on the mental and physical health of children.

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

IRISS has published two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

IRISS has published two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

Two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

The second, written by Gillian MacIntyre and Ailsa Stewart, relates to the Performance Indicator on increasing the proportion of older people aged 65 and over, with high levels of care needs who are cared for at home.

Intensive family support: the evidence

Paper that brings together the Action for Children evidence base on intensive family support services. It is collated under a number of themes:

- keeping children safe
- keeping young people safety at home/out of care
- keeping children out of custody
- keeping children healthy
- improving children's relationships
- savings to the state and communities
- improving educational attainment
- reducing anti-social behaviour
- housing stability