Tutorial: Introduction to Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by criminal behaviour. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders. Restorative justice theory and programs have emerged over the past 20 years as an increasingly influential world-wide alternative to criminal justice practice. This tutorial provides an overview of the movement and of the issues that it raises.

Commissioning and the community sector: how community sector organisations can be ready for commissioning

‘Commissioning’ is a word that is increasingly heard by those who work with children, young people and their families. This publication has been written specifically for community organisations to help them understand commissioning and seize the opportunities that this process affords. These include the opportunity to use their local knowledge to shape services for children and young people, as well as being funded to deliver those services.

Ethical standards in public life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000

This Act of Scottish Parliament is in seven parts.

Part 1 looks at codes of conduct for councillors, members of devolved public bodies, revisal of members' codes and the duties of councils and devolved public bodies.

Part 2 of the Act covers methods of enforcing the codes of conduct and investigating any claims which allege a code has been broken.

Part 3 contains general and miscellaneous provisions relating to Parts 1 and 2, including definitions of terms in the Act.

Part 4 details codes of conduct for members of other bodies.

Education Department Research Programme: research findings No.10 - public knowledge of and attitudes towards social work in Scotland

In June 2004, Scottish Ministers initiated the first fundamental review of Social Work since the Social Work (Scotland) Act in 1968. To inform the work of the review, the Scottish Executive Education Department ( SEED) commissioned MORI Scotland to conduct a programme of public opinion research.

The overarching aim of the research was to provide the 21st Century Social Work Review Group with a deeper understanding of public knowledge of, and attitudes towards, social workers and the context in which they operate. This resource presents a summary of the findings of this research.

Women’s voices — experiences and perceptions of women facing drug problems

Epidemiological studies routinely collect quantitative data on gender differences in drug use (e.g. prevalence, mortality), but far less is published on the qualitative aspects of female drug problems. This review presents quotations gleaned from interviews with women in eight countries. Through these testimonies, the report illustrates how qualitative research can provide glimpses into the experiences and perceptions of women facing drug issues that statistics alone cannot provide.

Women's Aid website

Women's Aid is the national domestic violence charity which co-ordinates and supports an England-wide network of over 300 local projects, providing over 500 refuges, helplines, outreach services and advice centres. Our work is built on almost 30 years of campaigning and developing new responses to domestic violence.