Reusable Learning Objects and Learning Designs

This podcast is of a workshop presented at the E-learning in the Workplace conference in January 2007. The workshop commences with an introduction to the Reusable Learning Object (RLO) project at the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), a demonstration of RLOs followed by a brief introduction to pedagogical design guidellnes. Participants will brainstorm a learning design for an RLO in pairs or small groups using the RLO-CETL Pedagogical Design Sheet. These designs will then be presented and discussed.

Mental health, resilience and inequalities

This report aims to demonstrate how poor mental health is a significant cause of wider social and health problems, including: low levels of educational achievement and work productivity; higher levels of physical disease and mortality; violence, relationship breakdown and poor community cohesion. In contrast, good mental health leads to better physical health, healthier lifestyles, improved productivity and educational attainment and lower levels of crime and violence.

Education of children in need

A study suggesting ways to improve communication between schools and children's services is discussed. The study 'Multi professional communication: making systems work for children' by Georgian Glenny and Caroline Roaf, examined case studies over a seven year period in order to identify the ingredients of successful communication systems.

SCIE Resource guide 22: Children of prisoners - maintaining family ties

This report brings together resources and research about maintaining family ties for children of prisoners. It provides a review of literature from the past fifteen years as well as examples of practice from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland of what works to support children and their families. The findings highlight the negative impact parental imprisonment can have on children. This area of work cuts across a number of sectors and requires a multi-disciplinary readership and response if outcomes for this group of children are to be improved.

Local Government in Scotland Act 2003

The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 is intended to enable the delivery of public services which better meet the expectations of those who pay for and use them.

The Act contains provisions in relation to Best Value within local authorities; local authority trading powers; the Community Planning process; the promotion and improvement of well-being; and certain miscellaneous provisions concerned with local government.