Multi-Faith Resource for Healthcare Staff

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) produced this guide through its Healthcare Chaplaincy Training and Development Unit. It was prepared for the guidance of the Spiritual Care Development Committee, a multi-faith group which represents the main faith and belief groups in Scotland and also includes representatives from chaplaincy, the health service and the Scottish Executive Health Department. The group is a forum for discussing ideas and issues concerning spiritual and religious care within NHS Scotland.

Web 2.0 and informal learning

How can blogs, wikis, podcasting and other web 2.0 methods be harnessed to support learning for practice? This workshop will enable participants to learn more about the "Web 2.0" phenomenon, demonstrate some emerging educational applications, and consider the pros and cons of applying these methods in the context of learning for the social service workforce.

Motivations for Undertaking the New Social Work Degree : Report - August 2005

In January 2005, the Social Work Services Policy Division of the Scottish Executive commissioned the British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) to undertake research to understand why social work students are undertaking the new social work degree and the postgraduate degree. This resource is the full report detailing the findings of this research.