Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities works with people and their families to ensure they can use effective services, play a fuller part in communities and society, and enjoy equal rights. It develops projects and services that can be copied across the UK. The Foundation aims to ensure that people with learning disabilities are supported in living as active citizens in the community, with real choices.

Severe Child Poverty in Scotland

Save the Children's recent research estimates that 90,000 children in Scotland live in severe poverty. Douglas Hamilton, Head of Policy and Research, will provide an overview of Save the Children's recent work in this area focussing on the Poverty Premium and access to services. He will also draw attention to some of the policy and practice changes that Save the Children are calling for. Professor Bob Holman, anti-poverty campaigner and community worker, will respond to Douglas' paper focusing on the impact that inequality has on the lives of Scotland's children.

Practice Learning Qualification. PLQ(SS)

The Practice Learning Qualification (Social Services) is a suite of qualifications set at four different levels and aimed at supporting the learning of staff and students in the workplace.

The qualifications reflect the importance of practice learning throughout the workforce and enable those involved in supporting practice learning at all levels of their organisation to gain recognition for their knowledge and skills.

Growing up in Scotland Study (GUS)

The Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) is a longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children from the early years, through childhood and beyond. Funded by the Scottish Executive Education Department, its principal aim is to provide information to support policy-making, but it is also intended to be a broader resource that can be drawn on by academics, voluntary sector organisations and other interested parties.

Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2004

This Act of Scottish Parliament applies to primary medical services. The Act is in two main parts (Provision of primary medical services and General) and 9 sections with a schedule. The sections in Part 1 look at the functions of Health Boards; the provision of primary medical services; revocation of power to make pilot schemes; persons performing primary medical services as well as assistance and support. Part 2 of the Act covers ancillary provision; modification of enactments and also includes a commencement and short title.