Office for National Statistics

National Statistics is a quality marker applied to certain of the United Kingdom's official statistics. Statistics labelled as 'National Statistics' must meet certain criteria. They should, for example, be fit for purpose, methodologically sound, politically independent and transparently produced. All National Statistics are produced in accordance with the Framework for National Statistics and comply with the principles embodied in the National Statistics Code of Practice. They are reviewed every five years for quality.

Life stories

This resource is one of the units on the Open University's OpenLearn website, which provides free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world. This unit examines life stories. It looks at the way in which objects, trends, cultures or disabilities may contribute to a person's identity. This unit also considers the contribution that our own life stories make to who we are, and how remembering and revisiting our past may help us to move forward with our lives.

National Health Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2004

This Act of Scottish Parliament brings forward legislation to reform the National Health Service by introducing provisions in relation to the dissolution of NHS Trusts; establishing Community Health Partnerships; placing a duty on Health Boards to co-operate with each other; extending Ministerial powers to intervene to secure the quality of healthcare services; placing a duty on Health Boards and Special Health Boards to involve the public in the planning, development and operation of health services; and placing a duty on the Scottish Ministers and Health Boards to take action to promote h