Forgotten Citizens conference - videos

This video is taken from the 'Forgotten Citizens' Conference held in Glasgow on the 17th June 2008. It shows the interviews of John Paul Moffat saying "I think it's a good chance for people to tell their stories. Say they kept them in the past, just get them out and about. Like what you want, getting them noticed." And James Withers from the MSYP says "Basically I like people like me who stand up and speak out for themselves, rather than sit back and not say anything.

Drug use: an overview of general population surveys in Europe

In many European countries, one or more general population surveys have been carried out to get an impression of the characteristics of illicit drug use at national level. Despite valuable efforts to standardise national drug surveys among the general populations in European Member States and to enhance cross-national comparability, national drug surveys still use different instruments, reporting formats and methodologies.

Social well-being in extra care housing

The well-being of older people is an important issue for policy across health, housing and social care, and local authorities are increasingly considering extra care as a way of replacing older models of residential care provision and addressing low demand for traditional forms of sheltered housing. The researchers interviewed residents and managers from six extra care housing schemes in England to explore their experiences.


Demos is the think tank for everyday democracy. It believes everyone should be able to make personal choices in their daily lives that contribute to the common good.

Demos' aim is to put this democratic idea into practice by working with organisations in ways that make them more effective and legitimate. It focuses on six areas: public services; science and technology; cities and public space; people and communities; arts and culture; and global security.

Fair for all : disability

Fair For All - Disability is a strategic partnership initiative developed by the Scottish Executive Health Department, and the Disability Rights Commission. The team consists of health service, voluntary sector and Disability Rights Commission staff. The initiative is part of the Scottish Executive Health Department's wider Patient Focus and Public Involvement agenda and the national Equality and Diversity approach known as 'Fair for All Wider Challenge'.

Individual budget users and carers

The author reports on research which aimed to examine the impact on carers of people receiving individual budgets and the outcomes for carers of this new approach.

While there are many ways in which personal budgets can be provided, one of the main ways is through a direct payment.

This research is the first to examine the impact on carers of people receiving IBs and the outcomes for carers of this new approach.