Getting It Right for Every Child : messages from research

Getting It Right for Every Child is an integrated system of getting the right help to children at the right time in their lives through agencies working together to provide a coherent, evidence based system of assessment, planning and recording. It aims to cut down bureaucracy and help children get the service they need when they need it. It is founded on understanding how children develop to reach their full potential and the fundamental value of children's and families' participation in assessment and planning.

The Runnymede Trust

The Runnymede Trust aims to promote a successful multi-ethnic Britain - a Britain where citizens and communities feel valued, enjoy equal opportunities to develop their talents, lead fulfilling lives and accept collective responsibility, all in the spirit of civic friendship, shared identity and a common sense of belonging. They also act as a bridge-builder between various minority ethnic communities and policy-makers.


The ability to relate one's own work to existing knowledge is an essential skill for practitioners and students alike. This interactive learning resource provides practical guidance on how to get referencing right.

Public Concern at Work

Public Concern at Work (PCaW) is an independent authority on public interest whistleblowing. Established as a charity in 1993 following a series of scandals and disasters, PCaW has played a leading role in putting whistleblowing on the governance agenda and in influencing the content of legislation in the UK and abroad.

Mind How to improve your wellbeing through physical activity and sport

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. Physical activity can boost mental wellbeing and change your outlook on life. It can help people with anxiety and depression, and might even prevent such problems from developing in the first place. This booklet provides practical advice about ways of building more activity into your life, and identifies ways to help you stick to a more active lifestyle. It's not designed to give detailed information about individual activities.