Being Positive

Being Positive, a two-part investigative Open University/BBC series, examines the nature of the AIDS virus, how it works and the history of the development of HIV drug treatments. Part one, Dead Unlucky and part two, Dead Lucky, follow the stories of people who have been infected. This resource is part of the website which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC.

Public knowledge of and attitudes to social work in Scotland

In June 2004, Scottish Ministers initiated the first fundamental review of Social Work since the Social Work (Scotland) Act in 1968.

To inform the work of the review, the Scottish Executive Education Department ( SEED) commissioned MORI Scotland to conduct a programme of public opinion research. The over-arching aim of the programme of public opinion research described in this report was to provide the 21 st Century Social Work Review Group with an understanding of public knowledge of, and attitudes towards, social workers and social work services.

The domestic cultivation of cannabis

An examination of the domestic cultivation of cannabis in England and Wales. This report examines the domestic cultivation of cannabis in England and Wales. Traditionally cannabis has been imported into the country by drug traffickers, but the extent of home cultivation has grown rapidly over the past decade, and home growing now accounts for a significant amount of cannabis consumed in this country.

National Statistics : Focus on Ethnicity and Identity

Focus on Ethnicity and Identity paints a picture of the ethnic groups in the UK today. It includes information on their characteristics, lifestyles and experiences, placing particular emphasis on comparing and contrasting the main groups. Each overview in the Focus on series combines data from the 2001 Census and other sources to illustrate its topic, and provide links to further information.

OU on the BBC: Child of Our Time 2013

Child of Our Time is one of the programmes available on the website, which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC. The programme's presenter Robert Winston returns to the children born in the year 2000 to discover how they're developing. The children are now learning right from wrong, discovering about happiness - and, for some, adjusting to no longer being an only child.

Reith lectures 2003 : The Emerging Mind - BBC Radio 4

The Reith Lectures were inaugurated in 1948 by the BBC to mark the historic contribution made to public service broadcasting by Sir John (later Lord) Reith, the corporation's first director-general. The subject of the 2003 Reith Lectures was The Emerging Mind. Vilanyanur S. Ramachandran, Director of the Centre for Brain and Cognition at the University of California delves into the mysteries of the mind, exploring questions of neuroscience and philosophy. This resource is part of the website which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC.