OU on the BBC: The Human Mind

This resource examines the human mind. Presenter Robert Winston explores all aspects of the human mind - from how we learn, to how we're able to recognise faces and what makes one person 'click' with another. There are three programmes in the series which are available on the website, which is the online learning portal from the Open University and the BBC.

Scottish Courts

This website provides an access point to information relating to all civil and criminal courts within Scotland, including the Court of Session, the High Court of Justiciary, the Sheriff Courts and a number of other courts, commissions and tribunals as well the District Courts.

The information includes location details, contact numbers, advice and details of recent significant judgements.

OU on the BBC: School Day

This resource looks at the UK education system. On January 15th 2004 a dozen film crews from the BBC in Bristol went out across the length and breadth of the country to capture a day in the life of education. Each crew followed a single person over their normal day.

Child Poverty Act 2010

The Child Poverty Bill was introduced to the House of Commons on 11th June 2009 as Bill 112 Session 2008-09. "The Bill would provide a statutory basis to the commitment made by the Government in 1999 to eradicate child poverty by 2020." It "places a duty on the Secretary of State to meet four United Kingdom-wide income poverty targets by the end of the financial year 2020".