Expectations and aspirations: public attitudes towards social care

This briefing is the first output from the ippr-PwC social care programme. This programme seeks to generate public debate about the future of social care; and consider how the social contract between the state, organisations, communities, families and individuals may need to fundamentally change to ensure that the future of social care is based on principles of fairness and sustainability. This publication it's free, in order to download there are two ways to do it, by registering or just by following the link to download it.

Prevalence and structural correlates of gender based violence among a prospective cohort of female sex workers

This study examined the prevalence and structural correlates of gender based violence against female sex workers in an environment of criminalised prostitution in Canada. The results demonstrate an alarming prevalence of gender based violence against female sex workers. The structural factors of criminalisation, homelessness, and poor availability of drug treatment independently correlated with gender based violence against street based female sex workers.

Children and families experiencing domestic violence: police and children's social services' responses

Research report from the University of Central Lancashire and the NSPCC, which examines the police notification process and subsequent service pathways followed by families brought to the attention of children's social services in this way. It also explores which other agencies contributed to services for families experiencing domestic violence and captures young people's, survivors' and perpetrators' views of services.

Children's Hearings System

The topics in this report include: an overview of how the Children's Hearings system works; experiences of the premises used for hearings; the deliberations of the hearings which were observed; the excellent training programme for panel members; the changing role of reporters; concerns about resources available to service the system; legal aid and representation; and a summary of recommendations.

Social networks and Polish immigration to the UK

This working paper forms part of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Economics of Migration project. It looks at how Polish migrants have increasingly used social networks to find employment in the UK. Although this has allowed them to maintain high employment rates it brings a risk that migrants will be "locked in" to low-skilled jobs and less integrated into the wider economy and society. The integration policy agenda is currently focused on long term settlement but many migrants only come to the UK for a short period of time.

Carers Employment, European Court ruling - BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

BBC Radio 4 programme with Sharon Coleman, mother of a disabled son; Madeleine Starr, Strategic Projects Manager; and Stephen Alambritis, Head of Public Affairs at Federation of Small Businesses as guests. They discuss the result of a judgement by the European Court of Justice about the implications of carers and their employment opportunities.

Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2004

This Act of the Scottish Parliament relating to Criminal Procedure, is in four parts.

Part 1 deals with court procedures as they relate to the High Court of Justiciary.

Part 2 relates to trials in the High Court and the sheriff court. It also amends the time limits and citation provisions which are common to both courts.

Part 3 amends the provisions of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 in relation to bail.

Services for young people who sexually abuse: a report on mapping and exploring services for young people who have sexually abused others

This publication reports on a study that investigated recent developments in the UK and Republic of Ireland in services for young people who have demonstrated sexually abusive behaviour. The authors carried out: a literature review; a survey of key experts; a study of structural and management issues in this area; a mapping survey; analysis of policy documents; a qualitative study of service user perspectives. Findings from each activity are discussed separately before being drawn together in the final chapter.