Frontotemporal dementia support

Caring for people with frontotemporal dementia is hard, there are few facilities tailored for the younger sufferer and those are not always appropriate for people with frontotemporal dementia. Also there are no specific treatments yet for frontotemporal dementia. All this adds to the distress, isolation and burden of caring. The PDSG tries to decrease the burden by providing information and support.

Restorative justice action plan 2012

The Home Office's Restorative Justice web page outlines the Government's Restorative Justice Strategy. Restorative justice provides an opportunity for victims, offenders and sometimes representatives of the community to communicate about an offence and how to repair the harm caused. Victim participation is always voluntary, and offenders need to have admitted some responsibility for the harm they have caused.

Marriage (Scotland) Act 2002

The present law of marriage in Scotland is governed by the Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977. The current position is that there is no restriction on places where religious marriages may be solemnised but a civil (non-religious) marriage may be solemnised only within a registration office, unless there are exceptional circumstances (i.e. where an individual is unable to attend a registration office as a result of serious illness or serious bodily injury and there is a good reason why the marriage cannot be delayed.

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003

This Act of Scottish Parliament is in twelve parts: protection of the public at large; victims' rights; sexual offences; prisoners; drugs courts; non-custodial punishments; children; evidential, jurisdictional and procedural matters; bribery and corruption; criminal records; local authority functions; and a miscellaneous part which includes sections on offences aggravated by religious prejudice, wildlife offences and anti-social behaviour strategies.

Care relationships - OpenLearn

This resource is one of the units on the Open University's OpenLearn website, which provides free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world. After studying this unit users should be able to demonstrate understanding of the importance of negotiating the meaning of care relationships and be able to identify ways in which people play the roles of 'carer' and 'receiver of care'. This unit combines activities and discussion.

Talking With Your Older Patient

What are effective ways to interact with older patients, particularly with those facing multiple illnesses, hearing and vision impairments, or cognitive problems? How does one approach sensitive topics such as driving privileges or assisted living? Are there special communication strategies that can help older patients who are experiencing confusion or memory loss? It is with these questions in mind, that the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institute of Health, developed this Handbook.

Beyond anecdote : the quest to codify practice wisdom

The everyday experience of practice is rich in potential for learning, as practice educators (student supervisors) are well aware. However, there are considerable barriers to the systematic and sensitive collection of these experiences, with the result that much potential learning is lost. Mark Doel will analyse the barriers to integrating learning and practice, and he will also present a practical, tested model to help practitioners to sample their practice in a systematic fashion and to share it with others.