Providing information and explaining

This resource uses a case study to help you explore the challenges that social workers experience during interviews and what decisions can be made to overcome some of these. It highlights that discovering the other person’s perspective and establishing a shared agenda for the interview are priority tasks, as well as the need to explain bureaucratic procedures and to provide as well as gather information.

The Work Foundation

The Work Foundation, a not-for-dividend public interest company, exists to inspire and deliver improvements to performance through improving the quality of working life. It believes that productive, high performance organisations are those committed to making work more fulfilling, fun, inspirational and effective, and through engaging their workforces succeed in integrating the many aims crucial to organisational success.

What Works for Children

'What Works for Children?' has produced summaries of research evidence on some specific interventions, called Evidence Nuggets. The nuggets present the available evidence on specific interventions covering: cognitive behaviour therapy; mentoring; parenting; home visiting; breakfast clubs; traffic calming.

Understanding the Early Stages of Dementia

The main focus of this learning object is the early stages of dementia, including the emotional impact of the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis of dementia on the person concerned and those around them. The learning object also considers the importance of community-based support for people with dementia and how social networks can operate in this context. Towards the end of the learning object, you will look at the values and attitudes associated with person-centred care, particularly in relation to caring for and working with people with dementia as their condition progresses.