So You Think You Know Me?

This podcast, part of the Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar series held in Glasgow on the 4th July 2008, in order to explain the launch of "So You Think You Know Me?" book, by Allan Weaver. The book is an autobiography of an ex-offender and former inmate of Barlinnie Prison, now a social work team-leader in his native Scotland.

How should we define social work?

The Social Work Task Force has signalled its intent to come up with a new definition of social work to counter public misconceptions. Anabel Unity Sale reports that with the negative coverage that social work attracts, it is hardly surprising that the public is not clear about what social workers do, and that people are led to believe that professionals swoop in and steal babies from families, give older people with limited mobility a bath and then make their dinner.

Child psychiatric diagnoses

Christopher Gillberg is Professor of Child Psychiatry at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Visiting Professor in the Division of Community Based Sciences, University of Glasgow. One of the world's leading academic child psychiatrists, he has published hundreds of papers on autism, ADHD and related conditions.

L'Arche website

L'Arche is an international federation of communities for people with learning disabilities and assistants. There are eight communities in England, Scotland and Wales. The website provides information about L'Arche communities and their underlying philosophy, information about becoming an assistant, text of L'Arche charter, information on the Overseas Development Fund for sister communities in developing countries, articles written by those involved in the L'Arche Communities, suggestions for further reading, contact details and links to other L'Arche sites.

Preventing later substance use disorders in at-risk children and adolescents

This review on indicated prevention adds to the current knowledge and understanding of risk factors in the development of later drug problems and dependence, focusing on the mental health and behavioural problems that develop during childhood. Indicated prevention is a relatively new branch of drug prevention and can be seen as the third part of the ‘prevention chain’, after universal and selective prevention.