LEAP framework

Learning object which introduces the LEAP (Learning, Evaluation and Planning) planning and evaluation framework, facilitates understanding of the principles which underpin the framework and demonstrates its application in practice.

Drug testing in the workplace: Summary conclusions of the Independent Inquiry into Drug Testing at Work

The report of an independent Inquiry examining what role, if any, drug testing should play in the workplace. The Independent Inquiry into Drug Testing at Work - set up in 2002 - brought together a distinguished body of commissioners to examine the evidence relating to drug testing at work in the UK. Its establishment followed the rapid expansion of workplace drug testing in the United States and growing evidence that drug testing companies were expanding their operations in the UK.

Systems thinking and practice

What is systems thinking and practice? The essence of systems thinking and practice is in 'seeing' the world in a particular way, because how you 'see' things affects the way you approach situations or undertake specific tasks. This unit will help you to learn about the problems of defining a system and meet some of the key concepts used in systems theory: boundary, environment, positive and negative feedback.

Disabled children's services national indicator 2009-10: local authority (LA) reports

A collection of disabled children's services national indicator reports setting out findings for each local authority (LA) area for which there was sufficient response from parents from the 2009-2010 survey to measure parental satisfaction of services for disabled children. Each report provides indicator and sub-indicator scores, as well as analysis of parents' comments relating to services in each of the following areas: health, education, and care and family support.

Guide dogs in mosques - BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

BBC Radio 4 You and Yours programme looks at how worshippers at the Bilal Jamia mosque in Leicester are getting used to the first-ever guide dog to be allowed into a mosque. Vargo belongs to Mahomed-Abraar and has been given his own bed in the entrance hall following a Fatwa, or Islamic decree, from the Muslim Council of Great Britain which states that because Vargo is being used to guide Mahomed, he shouldn't be regarded as unclean.