Disabled rail passengers - BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

BBC Radio 4 You and Yours programme about some problems disabled rail passengers have when travelling. And the consumer organisation Passenger Focus sent out “mystery shoppers” on various journeys in other to verify what was really happening. Their report concludes that too often they are let down by rail companies’ failure to provide assistance, with many left stranded on the platform or abandoned on the train.

The role of the e-Library and Shared Space to support your community

This is a podcast of a workshop which will demonstrate the NHS Scotland e-Library, how to access it and how to register for a password; the Shared space tool which provides a virtual workspace to support the sharing knowledge and learning and how to use the online discussions. Discussion of the role of communities of practice in supporting e-learning and how the tools could assist the development of these communities is also included.

See Me Scotland

The 'see me' campaign was launched in October 2002 to challenge stigma and discrimination around mental ill-health in Scotland. The campaign is run by an alliance of five Scottish mental health organisations: Highland Users Group (HUG); National Schizophrenia Fellowship (Scotland); Penumbra; the Royal College of Psychiatrists (Scottish Division) and the Scottish Association for Mental Health.

Diversity and difference in communication

Interpersonal communication in health and social care services is by its nature diverse. As a consequence, achieving good or effective communication – whether between service providers and service users, or among those working in a service – means taking account of diversity, rather than assuming that every interaction will be the same. This unit explores the ways in which difference and diversity impact on the nature of communication in health and social care services.

The Assessment Triangle

The Assessment Triangle is a key concept within child welfare and is a term that has been used since the late 1990s. In Scotland, it has been adopted within the development of an Integrated Assessment Framework, to which we also refer in this learning resource. There are a number of aspects of child assessment, in any domain – the home, the playground, the classroom, the GP surgery, or residential care, and others – where you will be thinking about assessment models and practice.

Mind guide to advocacy

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. This factsheet defines advocacy and discusses the different kinds of advocacy, who advocacy is for and the situations where it could be applied. Also included is a list of useful organisations and further reading.