Understanding eating problems

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. Anorexia, bulimia, binging and compulsive eating can blight people’s lives. This booklet describes the signs of eating distress, explains possible causes and looks at the kinds of treatment available. It aims to help anyone who thinks they themselves, a friend, or a member of their family, may have a problem of this kind.

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) was set up as a result of the work undertaken by its predecessor, Advocacy 2000, a three-year project set up to look at the needs of the Advocacy Movement in Scotland, and how these could be supported in the future. The SIAA is devoted to the promotion, support and defence of Independent Advocacy in Scotland. It is a membership organisation that has the overall aim of ensuring that Independent advocacy is available to any vulnerable person in Scotland.

Drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents

This literature review provides a comprehensive report on the relationship between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents. It covers methodological issues, presents results of prevalence surveys among drivers and provides an overview of findings from major international epidemiological surveys published since 1999. The report also gathers evidence from experimental and field studies of the relationship between drug use, driving impairment and traffic accidents.

Alcohol attributable mortality and morbidity : alcohol population attributable fractions for Scotland

Summary of the findings of a study which attempted, for the first time, to calculate alcohol population attributable fractions for Scotland using estimates based on evidence available in the epidemiological literature and specific estimates of population drinking in Scotland. The mortality and morbidity data for 2003 was used to estimate more fully the burden of alcohol related harm in Scotland.

The effect of parental substance abuse on young people

An exploration of the experiences of young people (15-27 years) affected by parental drug and/or alcohol misuse. This report provides an in-depth account of the impact of parental substance misuse on parenting, on roles within the family, and on relationships. It identifies differences in the effects of drug and alcohol misuse and the relevance of gender and socio-economic status.

The definition of disability

This web page by Deborah Kaplan, Director of the World Institute on Disability, discusses different ways of defining 'disability' and looks at the complex ways that persons with disabilities perceive themselves and their changing status in society. For models for defining disability are discussed in detail: the moral, medical, rehabilitation, and disability models. References and web links are given.