Key Capabilities in Child Care Protection website

Following the successful completion of the Key Capabilities in Child Care and Protection (2006) developed by the University of Dundee Centre for Child Care and Protection and the Institute. The Child Care and Protection Training and Development Project aimed to track and enhance the process of embedding key capabilities across social work qualifying programmes by identifying and sharing innovative practice, and this project was concluded in 2008.

How can your agency support you in accessing and using knowledge to be poverty aware?

It is now increasingly understood that there are different types of knowledge, all of which contribute to the ability of people working in children’s services to do their jobs well. Understanding the types of knowledge that are available, and having access to this knowledge is an important aspect for anybody who is working with families that are living in poverty. This e-learning resource examines the different types of knowledge available and how it can help practice.

Attitudes and approaches to evidence, innovation and improvement in social services in Scotland

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) has three programmes through which it delivers its work: evidence-informed practice, innovation and improvement, and knowledge media. This is a research paper, which examines attitudes, approaches, use and barriers to innovation and improvement and evidence-informed practice in the sector, which could be used as a baseline for future research to track and monitor attitudinal change.

A map, a compass and a pair of good boots: probation practice and the desistance journey

Slides and video recording of Professor Fergus McNeill's - Professor of Criminology and Social Work at the University of Glasgow - presentation at the 8th annual Community Justice Portal Lecture, which was organised in association with the Probation Chiefs Association. It was held at Sheffield Hallam University on Thursday 20th May 2010.

UK Autism Foundation

The UK Autism Foundation (UKAF) is a charitable organisation which began in 2008. It has launched a £10 million fundraising program to realise its aims to build the first ever state of the art Autism Centre in London, build an autism school and to launch initiatives to help families dealing with autism who are poor. The UKAF developed from the work of the Autism Awareness Campaign UK founded in 2000 by parents and carers. The site provides access to the newsletter, and brief information about autism.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is a registered charity in the UK and was launched by the autism campaigner and philanthropist, Dame Stephanie Shirley in 2004. It is the only charity which raises money for biomedical research into the causes of autism spectrum disorders. The website provides information about autism, including its causes and impact. Information is also provided on the research carried out by the charity, including collaborative research, UK research projects, grants and fellowships, and also details of news, resources and events.