Windows of opportunity: prevention and early intervention in dementia - a tool for commissioners and providers

Early intervention is often seen as anticipatory information and support delivered at the earliest stage of dementia, following diagnosis.

Prevention encompasses the range of interventions that prevent an increase in need that may tip an individual into a higher or more intensive level of service.

This SCIE resource explains this further and offers a greater understanding of the journey through dementia.


Website of Deafway, a charity organisation that provides residential services, youth services, premises for deaf clubs and BSL (British Sign Language), and other services to deaf people.


10 minute drama about a 15 year old girl called Dee, who makes a common mistake of many teens and sends indecent photos of herself to her boyfriend Si. Without thinking of the consequences, Si sends the photos to a friend and very quickly the images become public.

A distressed Dee is helped through the situation by her alter-ego. Together they come to terms with the consequences of her actions and learn where to go for help and advice.

Care about rights

The Scottish Human Rights Commission has developed training and awareness raising resources relating to the care and support of older people.

This project aims to empower people to understand their human rights, and increase the ability and accountability of those who have the duties to respect, protect and fulfil rights.