National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

IRISS has published two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

Two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

The second, written by Gillian MacIntyre and Ailsa Stewart, relates to the Performance Indicator on increasing the proportion of older people aged 65 and over, with high levels of care needs who are cared for at home.

Parents Protect

Child sexual abuse awareness and prevention website which was created by the child sexual abuse prevention campaign, Stop it Now! UK and Ireland and the Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF).

The website aims to raise awareness about child sexual abuse, answer questions offer information to help protect children.

Raising sensitive issues: a training package for maternity settings

Training package designed to help trainers develop training for staff (such as midwives, health visitors and social workers) to develop their skills in raising sensitive issues with pregnant women. It is designed to support the implementation of NICE guidance in maternity care with particular reference to CG110 Pregnancy and Complex Social Factors. It is also intended to have wider applicability to NICE guidance, which requires health and social care professionals to raise sensitive issues.

Getting the best for your child [non-audio version]

This resource is Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO)'s parenting roadmap. This resource for parents and carers follows the main life stages for children and young people, including those with additional needs, to show you what can make a real difference to their lives at home, school and in other services they experience. It highlights the key messages from C4EO and gives you definitions of terms that could be used by children sector professionals you might meet.

Getting the best for your child [audio version]

This resource is Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO)'s parenting roadmap. This resource for parents and carers follows the main life stages for children and young people, including those with additional needs, to show you what can make a real difference to their lives at home, school and in other services they experience. It highlights the key messages from C4EO and gives you definitions of terms that could be used by children sector professionals you might meet.

Social media in the social services

The web has revolutionised the way the world uses and shares information yet, despite the growing awareness of the value of social networking and social media, people working in the public sector frequently report that access to web-based services is blocked or that their web browser lacks the required functionality to interact with web-based media. This report builds on existing evidence to argue the case for breaking down the cultural and technology barriers that inhibit the use of social media for managing and sharing knowledge in the workplace.


SWAPBox is a JISC funded initiative to create repository for storing, managing and sharing teaching resources on social policy and social work. It can be used to share almost any kind of resource: handout, exercise, slide presentations, audio recordings, videos.
The project will evaluate the use and reuse of open educational resources, and encourage the further sharing of learning resources through collaboration with a range of institutional and work-based partners.