SCIE report 16: social care research capacity consultation

The four central governments of the UK, with the support of the Economic and Social Research Council, asked SCIE to conduct a UK-wide consultation on how to increase social care research capacity. This consultation provides a picture of the views of people concerned about, or who have a stake in, the infrastructure for social care research and development. The report recommendations identify key issues in the consultation that need to be taken into account in strengthening research capacity and in coordinating developments across the UK.

SCIE report 15: using digital media to access information and good practice for paid carers of older people: a feasibility study

This report describes a study commissioned by SCIE and jointly funded with the National Knowledge Service. It was carried out by the University of Brighton to explore the feasibility and the appropriateness of digital technologies to support the work of paid carers in residential care homes for older people. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in September 2006.

SCIE report 14 : doing it for themselves : participation and black and minority ethnic service users

Service user participation in social care has increased markedly in the wider service user movement over the last 20 years. However, the participation of black and minority ethnic service users has diminished over the same period. This report identifies some of the reasons for this reduction and concludes by stating that given the right opportunities, support and resources, there is a genuine commitment and interest from service users to become more actively involved in the process. Report published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in July 2006.

Empowering vulnerable children and their parents using Talking Mats

Case study which describes the use of Talking Mats at Stenhouse Child and Family Centre (Edinburgh City Council) with very young, vulnerable children and their parents.

Talking Mats is a low-tech communication tool originally developed by the Alternative and Augmentative Communication Research Unit to support people with communication impairment including those with stroke, learning disability and dementia.

You can foster

Website authored by local authorities in the North West to encourage more people living in the region to think about becoming foster carers and to provide them with information on the subject.

Digital Fife

Website which offers access to online learning resources for community groups in Fife. It is an initiative of Fife Council in partnership with the voluntary sector.

Time to change

Time to Change is England's biggest ever attempt to end the stigma and discrimination that faces people with mental health problems.
It is a campaign to change attitudes, and behaviour too. This leading stigma and anti-discrimination campaign is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness. The campaign is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and Comic Relief and is evaluated by the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London.