Community Catalysts

Website of a company that seeks to harness the talents of people and communities to provide imaginative solutions to complex social issues and care needs.

A Community Interest Company established by and working in close partnership with the charity NAAPS UK.


A social media website dedicated to building a community that aims to include disabled people in the design of everyday household products from their living rooms, and where people can share ideas and tips on how to overcome everyday challenges they face with appliances and technology.

The site was created by the Blackwood Foundation an independent subsidiary of Blackwood (previously known as Margaret Blackwood Housing Association). The Blackwood Foundation supports people to live independently and to get the most out of life.

C4EO golden threads

The Golden Threads are the ten key messages that underpin the work of the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO). Together they act as a whole, requiring committed and visionary leadership to make them a reality

SRN national gathering 2011

Recovery films and video clips from the Scottish Recovery Network. In February 2011 SRN hosted their sixth national conference, the National Gathering. The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for Network members to come together to share information and consider next steps for the promotion and support of recovery in Scotland. Delegates represented all groups with an interest in recovery and mental health, including those with lived experience, family and friends, and professionals.