Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland – National Stakeholder Event 11 June 2009

Following the launch of the Scottish Government’s new policy and action plan for mental health improvement (MHI) for 2009-11, Towards a Mentally Flourishing Scotland an event was held to support the implementation. The meeting brought together key national agencies and partners with responsibility for mental health improvement, together with senior officials from the Scottish Government, local government and the NHS.

Community sentences degest report (second edition)

The report provides good quality objective information about the way community sentences are used, key facts and figures relating to trends in their use, and information about the multiple needs of adult offenders serving community sentences. It is a vital resource for anybody interested in alternatives to custody. The report is part of the Community Sentences project of the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies which was set up to investigate and monitor the Community Order and Suspended Sentence Order introduced in the Criminal Justice Act 2003.

Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004

This resource is the Act of Scottish Parliament which looks at education and additional support for learning. It provides a new system for identifying and addressing the additional support needs of children and young people who face a barrier to learning. The Act encompasses any need that requires additional support in order for the child or young person to learn.

Councils adapt ICS to unlock its potential

The authors, from Dorset Council, explain how they are trying to get the best out of the Integrated Children's System despite its limitations. The ICS was intended to enable a single consistent approach to case-based information gathering, case planning, case aggregation and case reviews. As such, the easily generated and clear reports would help social workers collect, organise, analyse and retrieve information.