Public Appointments and Public Bodies etc. (Scotland) Act 2003

The purpose of the Act is to establish a Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland, to abolish 5 Non-Departmental Public Bodies (the Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland, the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland, the Scottish Hospital Trust, the Scottish Medical Practices Committee and the Scottish Conveyancing and Executry Services Board), to give certain notarial powers to independent qualified conveyancers and to conveyancing and executry practitioners, and to create a new statutory Non Departmental Public Body to succeed the Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland and Historic Bu

Advance decisions and advance statements

People who have been diagnosed with dementia, or who are worried that they may develop dementia in the future, are often concerned about how decisions regarding their medical treatment might be made should they lose the ability to decide for themselves. They may fear that life-sustaining or life-prolonging treatments would be provided long after they were able to achieve a level of recovery, length of life or quality of life that the person would at present consider to be acceptable or tolerable.

Sexual Offences (Procedure and Evidence) (Scotland) Act 2002

This Act of Scottish Parliament has two main purposes. These are to prevent the accused in a sexual offence case from personally cross-examining the complainer; and to strengthen the existing provisions restricting the extent to which evidence can be led regarding the character and sexual history of the complainer. The first purpose will be achieved by requiring the accused to be legally represented throughout his or her trial.

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Act 2002

This Act of Scottish Parliament is in five parts. Part 1 covers the Debt Arrangement Scheme, a national debt arrangement scheme to enable multiple debts to be assessed with the support of money advisers and paid in accordance with a debt payment programme over a period of time.

Part 2 introduces a new method of enforcement, or diligence, for the attachment of corporeal moveable property. Corporeal moveable property is property which is tangible (corporeal), is not fixed like land or buildings and can be handled and moved (moveable).

Drink and drugs net

This is a web portal for substance misuse specialists and those in the wider health, social care and criminal justice fields who deal with drug and alcohol issues in the course of their work. It is also the website for the fortnightly magazine Drink and Drugs News.

Making sense of traditional Chinese medicine

This booklet provides an introduction to traditional Chinese medicine for anyone with a personal or professional interest in coping with mental health difficulties. It looks at Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion and tuina, and explains how it can help with problems ranging from panic attacks to psychosis, how to find a practitioner and what to expect from a consultation. It also includes information about some of the herbal preparations that are suitable for self-medication.