North East Scotland Equalities Network (NESEN)

Grampian Racial Equality Council was established in the mid-1980s to tackle discrimination as defined by, and within the confines of, the Race Relations Act 1976, soon to be strengthened and complemented by the forthcoming Race Relations Act (Amendment) Bill and the Human Rights Act 1998. Although the Grampian Racial Equality Council was an autonomous, voluntary sector, organisation they work in partnership with the government body, the Commission for Racial Equality.

NESEN is a user-led Grampian wide Equality Network.

Aiming high for disabled children misses funding targets

The government launched its Aiming High for Disabled Children's programme for May 2007 to bring about a transformation of services across health and social care. Funding was provided to local authorities and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). However, local authorities are reporting difficulties in getting PCTs to commit to developing services. In addition, funding for the programme has not been ring fenced and it is often not possible to identify what has been spent on disabled children.

The lonely society?

Although many people experience loneliness at one time or another, it is often overlooked or dismissed. Because society prides itself on self-reliance, loneliness might carry a stigma for people who admit to it. This is both paradoxical and pernicious: if loneliness is transient, it is simply accepted as part of life, but there is a deep dread of being lonely for the long haul.

Mental Health (Public Safety and Appeals) (Scotland) Act 1999 (repealed)

The purpose of this Act of the Scottish Parliament is to add public safety to the grounds for not discharging certain patients detained under the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984; to provide for appeal against the decision of the sheriff on applications by these patients for their discharge; and to amend the definition of 'mental disorder' in that Act.

A practice role for nurse lecturers: an anachronistic concept?

In this podcast, Sally Glen reflects on the practice role of nurse lecturers. The wholesale movement of nursing education into higher education is now a decade old. The catalyst was Project 2000, which was a vision, not only a professional qualification, but an academic one, the diploma in higher education. A review of the literature, however, identifies how the nursing curriculum has always been subject to continuous external pressure and is a balancing act between health service needs, the educational vision of the day and the available financial resources.

Diversity and difference in communication - OpenLearn

This resource is one of the units on the Open University's OpenLearn website, which provides free and open educational resources for learners and educators around the world. This unit explores the ways in which difference and diversity impact on the nature of communication in health and social care services. Interpersonal communication in health and social care services is by its nature diverse.

’Strengths’ Assertive Outreach: A Review of Seven Practice Development Programmes

Assertive outreach primary aims to provide specialist services for people disengaged from traditional approaches of mental health services, but very little attention has been paid to how such services can develop. The Practice Based Evidence consultancy engaged with seven assertive outreach teams in England to implement an approach to practice development that focuses on team-working and adopting a specific strengths approach to its model of practice. This article summarises some of the findings and puts forward strengths-based recommendations to develop assertive outreach practice.