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Disproportionality in child welfare: the prevalence of black and minority ethnic children within the 'looked after' and 'children in need' populations and on child protection registers in England

This study aimed to investigate the differences between ethnic groups in their contact with child welfare services in England. Analyses were conducted on three national datasets (the Children in Need Census, children on the child protection register and children looked after), and looked after children’s care histories were examined to see if over- or under-representation could be explained by factors such as differing rates of entering or leaving care. These analyses were supplemented by a review of relevant research literature.

Supporting older families : making a real difference

This resource is a practical tool for learning disability partnership boards and others working to support older family carers and their relative with a learning disability – referred to here as older families – to bring about positive changes in their lives. It should enable boards to measure what they are doing, how well they are doing it and to decide what they need to do next.

Terminology and Information on Drugs

This publication is intended to give a brief description of the drugs most frequently manufactured / processed and/or abused, as well as definitions of the most relevant scientific terms used in this context. It is by no means exhaustive, nor is it meant to replace any of the more comprehensive textbooks and encyclopedias on drugs of abuse. Rather, it is an attempt on the part of the Scientific Section to provide to the interested reader some basic, generally accepted information on selected drugs of abuse, their abuse patterns, pharmacological effects and medical use, if any.

Care provision within families and its socio-economic impact on care providers across the European Union

This is summary of a study that aimed to compile evidence on: the prevalence of long-term informal care-giving within a family setting to dependent family members or relatives in various EU countries, focusing on the most ‘heavily burdened’ carers; the socio-economic impact of care-giving on the households of family carers; and measures aimed at alleviating burdens on family carers by supporting them in the provision of care and/or compensating for the adverse socio-economic consequences of care-giving.

Substance Misuse in Adolescents

There is increasing evidence that substance misuse among British adolescents is escalating (Miller & Plant, 1996; Sutherland & Willner, 1998). Swadi (1992) found that, among adolescents aged 12–17 years referred to mental health services, the prevalence of drug use was 13.1% (16.3% among boys and 9.3% among girls).

Going the extra mile: an evaluation of a residential unit for younger children provided by Aberlour Sycamore Service (full report)

Study detailing the philosophy and practice of a residential unit, underlining the importance of relationships, teamwork and a clearly articulated philosophy of care and highlighting the way the unit integrates with foster, education and therapeutic services.

The Adoption Information (Scotland) Regulations and The Adoption (Disclosure of Information)(Scotland) Regulations

These regulations make provision concerning (a) the information which an adoption must keep in relation to adoptions and the form and manner in which such information must be kept and (b) the disclosure by adoption agencies of information relating to adoptions.

Loud and Clear

This resource is the report of an event organised by the Advocacy Safeguards Agency in collaboration with the Scottish Council on Deafness, the British Deaf Association, the National Deaf Children’s Society, Deaf Children’s Society for East of Scotland and AdvoCard. It looks at the advocacy needs of the deaf community.