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Transition to adulthood: inquiry into transition to adulthood for young people with autism

This inquiry sought evidence from a range of stakeholders across England, including parents, people with autism and professionals into transition to adulthood for young people with autism. The report outlines the key findings of the Inquiry and makes recommendations based on the experiences and evidence from all those who took part.

The audit of best value and community planning: Aberdeen city council progress report

When the Accounts Commission published its findings on the Best Value audit on Aberdeen City Council in May 2008 following a public hearing, it requested a further report from the Controller of Audit in 12 months’ time. In this progress report, the Commission is encouraged by the prompt and decisive action taken by the council, and taking into account the timescale, commends the council on its progress across a range of activity.

Staying safe survey 2009: young people and parents’ attitudes around accidents, bullying and safety

Research report commissioned by the DCSF to measure and track parents' and children's awareness, attitudes and reported behaviour across the various safety issues covered within the Staying Safe Action Plan and the Byron Review; inform further campaign development and priorities; and provide quantatative data for the DCSF to adequately measure progress of the collective communications efforts.

Tackling antisocial behaviour in Scotland: An action framework for social housing practitioners and governing bodies

Tackling antisocial behaviour is a key activity for housing organisations across the UK. This ‘action framework’ focuses specifically on Scottish policy and practice. It uses a systematic process approach towards tackling antisocial behaviour organised in seven photocopiable core tasks. Designed to develop staff awareness, and strategic planning and monitoring, it can also form the basis of in-house training programmes.

Working together to provide age-appropriate environments and services for mental health patients aged under 18

The new section 131A of the Mental Health Act is due to come into force in April 2010. This amendment will ensure that patients aged under 18 are treated in an environment in hospital which is suitable having regard to their age, with the purpose of preventing the inappropriate admission of children and young people to adult psychiatric wards. This briefing highlights how commissioners can work together to meet the new duty on age-appropriate accommodation in a timely manner.

The autism toolbox: an autism resource for Scottish schools

The Autism Toolbox for Scottish Schools is designed to support education authorities in the delivery of services and planning for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Scotland, and will sit alongside existing local authority resources. It complements the guidance issued on Health and Social Care Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The intention is to provide a resource to support the inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream education services.

Older people’s attitudes to automatic awards of Pension Credit

This research looks at older people’s attitudes to the principle of automating parts of the Pension Credit awards process. Three key advantages to automation are highlighted: its capacity to raise awareness of entitlement, its ability to reduce perceptions of stigma, and its convenience. Although the study also reveals concerns about automation, such as privacy, these were rarely felt to be insurmountable and the advantages were generally thought to outweigh them.