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Black role models: which messages work?: testing the impact of role models' messages for black boys and black young men: research to inform the REACH role model programme

This is the report of research that set out to explore black boys and black young men's perceptions of black role models and their messages. It aimed to answer three main questions: does hearing about role models have any impact on black boys and young men?; which qualities and messages most effectively reach and inspire them to raise their aspirations as well as challenge negative stereotypes; are there any unexpected or negative consequences of these messages?.

'Voice of the Child' Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 : Giving Due Regard for Children's Views in All Matters that Affect Them : Volume 1

The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 brings together aspects of family, child care and adoption law that affect children. The Act seeks to incorporate the 3 key principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – i.e. non- discrimination; a child’s welfare as a primary consideration; and listening to children’s views, into Scottish legislation and practice.

Housing associations and home adaptations: making it work smoothly

This research and development project aimed to assist housing associations and local authorities to establish fair, efficient and effective arrangements for carrying out home adaptations. The report covers legislation and funding policy on adaptations; barriers to effective partnership, which included uncertainty about the law and guidance, structural factors and poor communications; and setting up an adaptation agreement.

Ensuring all disabled children and young people and their families receive services which are sufficiently differentiated to meet their diverse needs

This review sets out to investigate the evidence base for the provision of differentiated services to meet the diverse needs of disabled children and young people and their families. It focuses on children from BME (black and minority ethnic) communities, children with complex needs, children living away from home, and children from refugee and asylum-seeking families as instances of those who face the most challenges to adequate service delivery.

Review of the effectiveness of treatment for alcohol problems

This review is a critical appraisal of the evidence base for the treatments available for people with alcohol problems. The review covers interventions ranging from simple advice and mutual aid to intensive specialist treatment. It has been written to inform Models of Care for Alcohol Misusers (MoCAM), which provides a model framework and standards for the commissioning and development of local integrated treatment systems for alcohol misuse.

Cities and the ethic of care for the stranger

Interventions in the urban unconscious (public spaces, physical infrastructure, public services etc.) have an important role to play in regulating social response to difference, argues Ash Amin. This lecture was presented by Professor Ash Amin from Durham University, with a response from Professor Ziauddin Sardar, a critic, futurist, journalist and prolific writer. In this lecture, he discusses living with diversity and the role of cities in managing cultural difference.

The audit of best value and community planning South Ayrshire council

Report that reflects the picture available at the time the main audit work was conducted between August and October 2008. The Commission is concerned to note the position at South Ayrshire as set out in the Controller of Audit’s report.

The council has made limited progress towards delivering best value and faces severe financial pressures which pose significant risks and which will make it more challenging for the council to make the improvements needed.

Safe and appropriate care for young people on adult mental health wards

This practical toolkit sets standards for mental health professionals working with young people placed on adult mental health wards. The criteria have been developed in conjunction with young service users, parents, commissioners and practitioners in both Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS) and CAMHS, and complement the Adult Inpatient Mental Health Services (AIMS) standard.