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Improving the outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: literature review

The literature review sought to identify relevant findings, evidence and discussion in the literature on GRT pupils and their parents, from 1997 onwards. The review draws on UK material with the inclusion of selected European sources. The findings of the review are summarised according to key themes, including: attitudes; expectations; aspirations; relationships; parental involvement; attendance and mobility; behaviour; achievement.

Healthy children, safer communities: a strategy to promote the health and well-being of children and young people in contact with the youth justice system

This cross government document aims to help tackle youth crime and anti-social behaviour, and contribute to community safety in England. It sets out a strategic approach to inform the work of the Healthy Children, Safer Communities programme board to fulfil the vision that children and young people will be safer, healthier and stay away from crime.

A participatory handbook for youth drug abuse prevention programmes : a guide for development and improvement

Substance abuse as a social phenomenon is all the more worrisome because of its prevalence among youth. Over the last two decades or so, countries all over the world have seen an alarming rise in the incidence of substance abuse amongst the most productive and crucial section of their populations.

Managing the Risk : An Inspection of the Management of Sex Offender Cases in the Community

In January 1998, the Minister for Home Affairs announced that the Social Work Services Inspectorate would inspect all sex offender cases supervised by Aberdeen Social Work Department, and such cases in a sample of other local authorities across Scotland, to assess compliance with National Objectives and Standards. This is the Report of these findings.

Improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities

This review looks at the evidence base for improving the wellbeing of disabled children and young people through improving access to positive and inclusive activities. It assess where gaps in the evidence base occur and suggests where future research and development may need to take place.

Minorities within minorities: beneath the surface of community participation

Participation is on everyone's agenda at the moment, and statutory agencies are conscious of the need to hear a wide range of voices. Some voices, however, are more powerful than others. This research project carried out in Bradford supports the view that statutory agencies do not adequately hear minority voices within groups such as the South Asian community.

Information, advice and advocacy for older people: Defining and developing services

An exploration of information, advice and advocacy services for older people. Services providing information, advice and advocacy are crucially important in promoting older people’s independence. The report looks at information, advice, and advocacy and the ways in which they may overlap in practice, as well as the differences between them. It explores definitions, core principles, forms, roles and relationships. Information, advice and advocacy are also discussed in terms of skills, services and processes of empowerment.