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Investing in Children: What Do We Know? What Should We Do?

This paper was published in February 2000 as CASEpaper 34 by the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics. It was written by Sheldon Danziger and Jane Waldfogel and is based on a Conference held in 1998 at Columbia University which looked at the investments required in child development to break the cycle of poverty. It concentrates on disadvantaged children and their families from pregnancy to adolescence.

The Road to Recovery : a new approach to tackling Scotland's drug problem

this strategy sets out a significant programme of reform to tackle Scotland’s drug problem and make a contribution to the Government’s overarching purpose, which is to increase sustainable economic growth. Central to the strategy is a new approach to tackling problem drug use based firmly on the concept of recovery. Recovery is a process through which an individual is enabled to move-on from their problem drug use towards a drug-free life and become an active and contributing member of society.

Listening as a way of life : why and how we listen to young children

This resource examines the reasons for listening to children which includes that it acknowledges their right to be listened to and for their views and experiences to be taken seriously about matters that affect them. Listening can make a difference to our understanding of children’s priorities, interests and concerns and can make a difference to our understanding of how children feel about themselves. This resource highlights that listening is a vital part of establishing respectful relationships with the children we work with and that it is central to the learning process.