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Contracting for personalised outcomes: learning from emerging practice

This report draws on the learning from six councils and shows how they have begun to change their approach to contracting, service development and provider relationships to be more compatible with the aims of personalisation and personal budgets. It provides a summary of the main components of the contractual models identified (personal budgets, service personalisation and outcomes focused framework contracts), a framework for understanding the relationship between them and a brief account of the key messages from the case studies.

What's it worth? : the social and economic costs of mental health problems in Scotland

Report assessing the magnitude of the social and economic costs of mental health problems in Scotland and arguing that greater mental health promotion and prevention work could bring considerable benefits in the form of improved outcomes, increased recovery rates and decreased prevalence of mental health problems.

Estimating the costs of child poverty (Summary report)

The moral case for eradicating child poverty rests on the immense human cost of allowing children to grow up suffering physical and psychological deprivations and unable to participate fully in society. But child poverty is also costly to everyone in Britain, not just those who experience it directly. What are the costs to the whole of society of allowing child poverty to continue?

Time to Talk Parents as Partners

This report presents the findings of the day’s discussions, highlighting the main themes and actions proposed by participants. At several points in the day participants were asked to think of new or different ways that services could be delivered. These ideas are deliberately represented as ‘blue sky’ thinking and are not intended to indicate exact or concrete changes to services, but to provide stimulus for thought on new directions for service delivery.

Transforming the quality of dementia care: Consultation on a national dementia strategy

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) is pleased to submit the following response to the Department of Health’s consultation on a national dementia strategy. This submission is structured to answer, in order, the questions set by the consultation paper, Transforming the quality of dementia care: Consultation on a national dementia strategy.

The final section covers some areas not directly mentioned in the paper that the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) thinks warrant the government’s consideration in relation to a national dementia strategy.

Impact of family breakdown on children's well-being: evidence review

This review investigates the impact of parental separation and divorce on children’s well-being and development. The review incorporates evidence concerning family breakdown, and its consequences, in the context of understandings of ‘the family’, ‘breakdown’ and the ‘well-being’ of children and young people, and includes research relating to both married and cohabiting parents. ‘Well-being’ is defined as incorporating children’s mental, emotional and physical health.

Looked-after children and young people

The Department of Health (DH) asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to produce joint guidance on improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people. The guidance is for all those who have a direct or indirect role in, and responsibility for, promoting the quality of life of looked-after children and young people.