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Looked-after children: third report of session 2008-09: volume II: oral and written evidence

Provides the detailed oral and written evidence presented to the Children, Schools and Families Select Committee session on looked after children. The session aimed to investigate the performance of the care system in England, consider whether the Governments proposals for reform were soundly based, and to find out whether the Care Matters programme would be effective in helping looked after children. A summary of the findings are provided in Volume I.

Improving the well-being of disabled children (up to age 8) and their families through increasing the quality and range of early years interventions: progress map summary

This progress map summary provides key research findings from the C4EO knowledge review on the effectiveness of early years interventions for disabled children. A number of 'challenge questions' for strategic leaders to use in assessing, delivering and monitoring the effectiveness of early years interventions for disabled children are also provided.

Weighing in : dealing with the challenge of obesity (Policy Exchange research notes)

Paper describing and discussing ten examples of interventions for obesity which involve both healthy eating and physical activity. The examples featured all strive to be low cost interventions and fall in to the broad categories of community schemes, active travel initiatives, health in the workplace and lifestyle incentives.

The potential of migrant and refugee community organisations to influence policy

A report on a partnership set up to test how migrant and refugee community organisations could change policies and practices that are crucial to the lives of their communities. 'Change from Experience' addresses the ways in which migrant and community groups can use their own history and experience to develop the skills to bring about change. It challenges ideas about these organisations as ‘comfort zones’ and places them at the centre of debates about identity, gender, migration and cohesion.

Commissioning what works : the economic and financial case for supported employment (Briefing 41)

Briefing paper analysing the economic and financial case for Individual Placement and Support (IPS), a form of supported employment which helps mental health service users into paid competitive work. It concludes that IPS is more effective than any other form of vocational support in helping people into employment.