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Implementing universal credit: will the reforms improve the service for users

Universal Credit (UC) will replace means-tested benefits and tax credits for people out of work or on low incomes, and transform the system of service delivery. But will UC improve service delivery and incentives to work, and reduce the complexity of the system?

This study found support for reform, but identified risks that need addressing if UC is to bring about genuine improvements for all service users.

Exploring dimensions of social capital in Scotland: findings from the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey and Scottish Household Survey

Report that explores whether different groups in society experience different levels of social capital. Does where you live affect the strength of your social networks? Are older or younger people more likely to benefit from having strong links with other people in their community? And are people who are already socio-economically disadvantaged further disadvantaged by having lower levels of social capital and therefore fewer resources to draw upon?

It draws on data from the Scottish Social Attitudes survey (SSA) 2009 and the Scottish Household survey (SHS) 2010.

Social capital and health: findings from the Scottish Health Survey and Scottish Social Attitudes Survey

Paper that explores the Scottish evidence for a link between social capital and health outcomes in order to inform the ongoing development of an assets-based approach to addressing health problems and inequalities.

It uses data from two sources - the 2009 Scottish Health Survey and the 2009 Scottish Social Attitudes survey, although the majority of the paper focuses on the former due to the inclusion of self-assessed health plus WEMWBS variables.

Update of NHS Health Scotland early years and childcare publications for parents and professionals September 2012

Briefing paper which provides an overview on the latest updates to NHS Health Scotland publications for parents and professionals within the area of early years and childcare.

Up-to-date information on new resources and details of how to order and request translations and alternative formats is provided.

Taking stock of alternatives to secure accommodation or custody for girls and young women in Scotland

Small-scale, scoping study that provides a synthesis of existing knowledge about girls and young women at risk of secure care or custody, and ways in which earlier intervention strategies and alternatives to secure care and accommodation could be developed specific to their needs.

Recovery, public mental health and wellbeing

Paper that outlines how public mental health and the growing ‘wellbeing’ movement can contribute to one of the key challenges for recovery: increasing opportunities for building a life beyond illness (Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, 2009a), keeping in mind the principles of respect for people’s self determination, choice, control and potential, as well as for support that does not undermine citizenship.