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Talking Points: housing support

What is it? Developed by Key Community Support, this tool's primary focus is on an existing service the provider has been commissioned to provide. However, the scope of conversation is determined by what the individual says is important to them and their quality of life.

Who is it for? Suitable for work with adult service users and their carers.

Talking Points: personal outcomes approach - practical guide

Guide developed by the Joint Improvement Team to support the continued implementation of the Talking Points: Personal Outcomes Approach. While the Talking Points approach was developed primarily with reference to health and social care, it is increasingly evident that many of the principles and practice issues are relevant to outcomes based working across service sectors. The guide draws together evidence from research and practice and presents an overview of the key messages and learning from that work.

Leading culture change: employee engagement and public service transformation

Report that explores the views of chief executives and HR directors in a range of local service organisations to gauge how public service leaders are striving to re-engineer the way public services are delivered.

What is clear is that this cannot be achieved without significant behaviour change on the part of managers at all levels and employees on the front line.

Listening to fathers: men's experience of child protection in Central Scotland

Report that is the outcome of a Knowledge Exchange Fellowship undertaken by Circle’s fathers’ worker Nick Smithers and the University of Edinburgh School of Social Work. The purpose of the practitioner research project was to elicit the views of fathers who have been involved in child protection processes through their child/ren being placed in foster care or placed on the child protection register.

The adult social care outcomes framework 2013/14

The Care and Support White Paper published in July 2012, set out the government’s vision for a reformed care and support system, building on the 2010 Vision for Adult Social Care and framework for transparency and quality in adult social care. The ASCOF for 2013/14 will support councils to rise to the challenge of delivering key White Paper priorities by providing a clear focus for local priority setting and improvement, and by strengthening the accountability of councils to local people.