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Learning disabilities, autism and internet safety: a parent's guide

Guide that outlines some suggestions to help parents limit the risk of their child having negative experiences online and understand what action can be taken if they do.

This guide also suggests some resources that will help children get the most out of the Internet at home and in the community. It presents some case studies of actual experiences people with learning disabilities and autism have had online and learning points that can be taken from these experiences.

Open public services: experiences from the voluntary sector

The first part of this report shares the experiences of voluntary organisations, and one local authority, involved in the transformation of public services. There are some learning points from the Work Programme and Community Budgets but its main focus is on sharing best practice and innovation. This includes coproduction in commissioning, large and small organisations working in consortia, and the use of open-data to increase accountability.

Partnership working (Third Sector Research Centre Research Report, 88)

Working paper that summarises the findings of a research project into third sector partnerships for public service delivery.

The research was based on five case studies of organisations involved in public service delivery in different policy fields including housing, welfare, and employment services, preceded by a period of scoping research with national interviewees.

Returning children home from public care

The briefing aims to give people who provide and use social care services an overview of research evidence by describing what it tells us about:

• how social workers make decisions about whether or not to return looked-after children to their birth parent/s
• effective approaches to deciding which children are likely to benefit from return home, and to helping parents and children when they do
• predictors of stability and positive wellbeing following return home.

Health, wellbeing, and the older people housing agenda

One of three papers which explores the practicalities of deliveringhousing for older people and maximising the benefits to health andwellbeing.

It uses as a starting point the guidance provided in the ADASS/Housing Learning and Improvement Network's Strategic Housing for Older People resource pack, Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want and, more recently, work the Housing. LIN is involved in with the NHS Commissioning Board to develop a health and housing compact that supports closer integrated approaches with housing to support patient care.

Working with troubled families: a guide to the evidence and good practice

The Troubled Families programme is about change - for families and for services, and this report is an aid for that change. It is a tool to help local authorities and their partners, who have asked for guidance on how best to work with troubled families, and for the evidence about family intervention to be brought together in one place.

The report looks at academic evidence, local evaluations of practice, what practitioners have told us works in their services and what families tell us makes this work different and successful for them.

Social work practices: social work practice pioneers (mid-point report)

Report that sets out a summary of progress at the mid-point in the implementation of seven Social Work Practice (SWP) pilots with adults. The programme was sponsored by the Department of Health (DH), managed through the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), and has been actively supported through a Project Support Group by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), the College of Social Work, the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), Skills for Care and the Local Government Association (LGA).