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Teenage pregnancy

Briefing that provides an overview of information on teenage pregnancy. It has been written to inform the Health and Sport Committee's Inquiry on this theme. It offers data on national level trends in Scotland and reflects on research evidence about the problems associated with early pregnancy.

Reach: a new model of intervention for children before, during and after they run away

Documents the Reach model which has been developed by Railway Children to provide services for young people before, during and after episodes of running away. The concept of the Reach model was developed from previous research funded by Railway Children that evidenced a lack of support for young people who run away from home or care.

All babies count: spotlight on drugs and alcohol

First in a series of Spotlight papers which build on the findings of the NSPCC report - All Babies Count: Prevention and protection for vulnerable babies - which highlighted the pressing need for effective interventions for parents and their babies.

The papers focus on the specific developmental importance of pregnancy and babyhood, shining a light on a particular issue for families, policy and practice, in this case parental misuse of drugs and alcohol.