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The right help at the right time in the right place

Strategic review of learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs.

The report is structured in two parts. This first part highlights the key messages and the second part details the main findings and recommendations. Case studies demonstrate that getting the right help at the right time in the right place does make a real difference to the lives of children and young people with complex additional support needs and their families.

Scottish Government Respite Care Data 2012: Shared Care Scotland Summary

The Scottish Government recently released the 2012 data for the provision of respite in Local Authority areas across Scotland. The statistics are presented in "respite weeks provided or purchased by local authorities" and then further broken down into "overnight" and "daytime" respite for three age groups: 0-17, 18-64 and 65+. Much of the data is only comparable on a year-to-year basis due to methodological changes that have taken place over time. However a number of helpful comparisons are possible.

Domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland 2010-11 and 2011-12

Bulletin that presents statistics on domestic abuse, based on details of incidents supplied by the eight Scottish police forces in 2010-11 and 2011-12. It forms part of the Scottish Government series of statistical bulletins on the criminal justice system.

The figures are used to inform policy and, in conjunction with the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, are used to measure the extent and nature of domestic abuse in Scotland.

Decision-making within a child's timeframe: an overview of current research evidence for family justice professionals concerning child development and the impact of maltreatment

Overview of research evidence that has been commissioned in response to the Family Justice Review recommendation for consistent training and development for family justice professionals, including a greater emphasis on child development. It aims to bring together key research evidence to facilitate understanding among professionals working in the family justice system in areas relating to: