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Social housing and social exclusion 2000-2011

Report that assesses how much social housing tenants could be described as "socially excluded‟ in 2000, and whether and if so, how and by how much this had changed by 2011.

It explores how much any change in the social exclusion of social housing residents can be attributed to housing and regeneration policies, and how much to other factors, including broader housing and social exclusion policy, and economic and social change.

Workforce development : SCIE guide 28 : using SCIE resources

The aim of Using SCIE resources is to help organisations or individuals implement SCIE’s work. It will help organisations develop and strengthen their workforce enabling them to provide high-quality services for the people they support. Using SCIE resources includes a presentation slide set template and notes on its use, and an example of SCIE’s new At a glance summaries. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

A review of the youth justice system in Northern Ireland

Review that was launched in 2010 by the Minister of Justice, David Ford, in furtherance of the Hillsborough Castle Agreement. Undertaken by an independent team of three people, its terms of reference were to critically assess the current arrangements for responding to youth crime and make recommendations for how these might be improved within the wider context of, among other things, international obligations, best practice and financially uncertain future.

Children's and families' services SCIE guide 25 : having a break : good practice in short breaks for families with children who have complex health needs and disabilities

Having a break : good practice in short breaks for families with children who have complex health needs and disabilities. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in November 2008.

Children's and families' services scie guide 24 : learning together to safeguard children : developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in January 2009.