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Empowering vulnerable children and their parents using Talking Mats

Case study which describes the use of Talking Mats at Stenhouse Child and Family Centre (Edinburgh City Council) with very young, vulnerable children and their parents.

Talking Mats is a low-tech communication tool originally developed by the Alternative and Augmentative Communication Research Unit to support people with communication impairment including those with stroke, learning disability and dementia.

SCIE guide 19 : working together to support disabled parents

This guide shows how to develop inter-agency protocols to support families in which parents have additional needs related to physical and/or sensory impairments, learning disabilities, mental health, drug and alcohol-related problems or serious illnesses. The guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in August 2007.

Stakeholder participation SCIE guide 17 : practice guide: the participation of adult service users, including older people, in developing social care

This guide focuses on how practitioners and managers can initiate and sustain the participation of adult service users, including older people, in ways that
empower service users and reflect a shared commitment to developing social care services in a more democratic way. The guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in June 2007

Autism: Improving access to social care for adults

This guide lhelps people in the health and social care sector who work with adults with autism to increase their awareness, knowledge and understanding. It is based on research that explores the barriers to services experienced by people with autism. It covers people with autism, whether or not they also have a learning disability. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

SCIE guide 41 : IMCA and paid relevant person's representative roles in the mental capacity act deprivation of liberty safeguards

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in June 2011. Review date is June 2014.

European Social Fund Operational Programme 2007-2013: synthesis of evidence from the first half of the programme

Report that draws together evidence to date from the 2007-2013 evaluation studies of the European Social Fund (ESF) and internal analysis/Management Information in England and Gibraltar to assess the impact of the ESF programme and its effectiveness in meeting its objectives for the first half of the programme.