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SCIE research briefing 38 : mental health, employment and the social care workforce

This briefing summarises evidence on what prevents people with mental health problems from working or retaining work in social care and what can be done to enable them to work. It provides a summary of a range of policy and programmes designed to enable people with mental health problems to gain, retain and regain work, with specific focus on employment in social care. Report published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in October 2011. Review date is October 2014

The costs and benefits of preventative support services for older people

Paper that reviews the evidence on the cost effectiveness of preventative support services that assist older people with care and support needs to remain in their own homes.

The costs of these preventative support services are contrasted with the costs of specialist housing options, such as sheltered and extra care housing and also with the costs of health services, as part of reviewing the value for money of preventative support services (henceforth PSS).

Puppet on a string: the urgent need to cut children free from sexual exploitation

Report that calls on the Secretary of State for Education to take the lead in ensuringa fundamental shift in policy, practiceand service delivery in England.

It makes the case for a minister, supported by dedicated officials, to take responsibility and set out a clear plan of action for all agencies to: raise awareness to improve early identification of child sexual exploitation, improve statutory responses and the provision of services, improve the evidence and improve prosecution procedures.

Worcestershire safeguarding children board: serious case review relating to children BW and CW

Summary of a serious case review undertaken by Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board (WSCB) following the death in 2010 of BW and the serious injury to CW. The decision to proceed with a review was taken in 2010 by the Independent Chair of Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board, Hilary Thompson.

Allegations of abuse against teachers and non-teaching staff: interim findings from a survey of local authority designated officers

Research brief that presents the interim findings of the research based on evidence from a census survey of LADOs in 2011. The survey collected data on allegations of abuse made against teachers, non-teaching staff in schools and further education (FE) teachers referred to LADOs in the period 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010.

Questions explored the number and nature of allegations referred, investigative action taken, time taken to conduct investigations and outcomes.

The Red Book 2012 - The annual review of the impact of spending decisions on vulnerable children and families

The ‘Red Book’ is the Government’s financial statement and budget report. It contains economic analysis and summarises the annual budget tax measures.

This annual publication will identify the impact of decisions made in the 2010 spending review on the lives of the most vulnerable and neglected children and young people. It is based on the views of the social care professionals working in Action for Children services. The economic literature review is provided by the Social Market Foundation.

Equal but different?: An inspection of the use of alternatives to custody for women offenders

The increase in the female prison population between 1997 and 2000 caused such concern that it triggered a review of the existing initiatives for working with women. The subsequent report signalled the introduction of the Women’s Offending Reduction Programme which aimed to link strategic initiatives across government departments to address women’s offending and pursue alternatives to custody. This thematic inspection report was conducted by HMI Probation, HMCPSI and HMI Prisons.

What's going on to safeguard children and young people from sexual exploitation? How local partnerships respond to child sexual exploitation

Research project that has explored the extent and nature of the response of LSCBs to the 2009 government guidance on safeguarding children and young people from sexual exploitation .

Where the guidance is followed, there are examples of developing and innovative practice to protect and support young people and their families and to investigate and prosecute their abusers.

It finds that the delivery of that dual approach to child sexual exploitation is far from the norm.

Evaluation of enhanced housing options programme: final report

Evaluation of the Enhanced Housing Options Trailblazers programmes run by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) with support from the Department of Work and Pensions,

The programmes aim to develop innovative approaches to delivering housing options/advice services. They offer housing advice to people with low and medium housing need as well as those with acute need, and link housing and wider advice about a range of issues such as training and employment, financial management, and access to benefits.