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The Scottish strategy for autism

This first chapter is a free-standing condensed version of the strategy which provides readers with an overview of what autism is and the challenges which individuals with the condition and their families face in everyday life. It then describes how the autism strategy will address their needs over the next 10 years.

Chapter two provides more detailed information on the issues contained in the overview for those who want to take more time to understand the issues in greater depth. It explains the context behind each of the recommendations and why these are critical to success.

Out from the shadows: sexual violence against children with disabilities

Report that sheds light on children with disabilities who are suffering from sexual violence - abuse that goes unacknowledged, both by communities and by the state; is shrouded in taboos; and is rarely discussed or investigated. The report seeks to address this and make the issue more visible, as well as challenge governments and communities, including the international community, to tackle it head on.

Suffering in silence; 70,000 reasons why help with postnatal depression has to be better

Report that presents new research from 4Children that shows that many families are suffering the consequences of postnatal depression in silence; that if and when they do seek help mothers are not getting the swift access to the range of treatment options they need; and that this is having a detrimental impact on families across Britain.

Evaluation of the impact of Action for Children short break services on outcomes for children: final report

Report that examines the findings of a study commissioned by Action for Children to explore the impact that their short break services have on disabled children and their families. The study began in August 2010 and an interim report was published in September 2010 (Holmes, McDermid, Soper and Lawson, 2010).

It aims to explore the impact of Action for Children short breaks services on disabled children and their families within this context and seeks to provide an evidence base for the future provision of Action for Children services to disabled children and their families.

SCIE report 13: systematic searching on the AgeInfo database

This report presents the results of an evaluation of the AgeInfo database, which is an information service provided by the Centre for Policy on Ageing ( and which is made available to the public at not cost through SCIE's own database Social Care Online ( This report is intended for use by SCIE and the Centre for Policy on Ageing, and may also be useful to users of the AgeInfo database, such as researchers conducting systematic reviews.