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A sustainable future for legal aid

The report, 'Renewing Scotland: the government’s programme for Scotland', published on 7 September 2011, sets out the Government’s intention to maintain and improve access to justice in the current economic climate, including by taking forward a series of legal aid reforms.

This paper proposes how this will be done. The ambition is to maintain a fair, high quality and equitable system which maintains public confidence at an affordable and sustainable level of expenditure.

Raised expectations: parental experiences of short breaks

Report that provides a snapshot of the experiences of parents of disabled children in order to highlight examples of good practice and identify possible areas of concern.

Findings do not cover a representative sample, so cannot reflect the progress of the short breaks programme as a whole, but provide real life examples of the way that impact can be made on the ground.

SCIE/NICE recommendations on looked after children

Public health guidance: promoting the quality of life of looked-after children and young people. This is NICE and SCIE’s formal guidance on improving the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of looked-after children and young people. SCIE guide 40. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in January 2009.

Workforce development scie guide 38 : social care governance: a workbook based on practice in England

This workbook is based on practice in Somerset and Bath. Twelve multi-disciplinary teams across Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset completed a series of workshops examining the core elements of practice. The teams spent one hour on each core element to look at identifying good practice, improving practice and feeding back areas for development at an organisational level. Action plans at team and organisational level were developed to implement changes to practice.

SCIE guide 34: practice development: collaborative working in social care

This guide can be used in statutory and independent sectors by social care workers, social workers and their managers to improve the use of knowledge, both research and practice-based, in service development. The guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in August 2010. Review date August 2013.

Adult services guide 33 : facts about FACS 2010 : a guide to fair access to care services

The purpose of the SCIE guide 'Facts about FACS' 2010 is to provide information and support for those involved in implementing the 2010 fair access to care services (FACS) framework. The guide builds on the content of the Department of Health's Prioritising need in the context of Putting People First: A whole system approach to eligibility for social care (DH, 2010). This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).

The influence of parents, places and poverty on educational attitudes and aspirations

Report that aims to better understand the relationship between young people’s aspirations and how they are formed.

It examines the nature of aspirations; explores how parental circumstances and attitudes, school, and opportunity structures come together to shape aspirations in deprived urban areas; and argues that the approach to intervention should be reconsidered.

SCIE guide 32: practice guidance on the involvement of independent mental capacity advocates (imcas) in safeguarding adults

This practice guidance concerning the involvement of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) in safeguarding adults is jointly published by the ADASS and SCIE. It replaces the Practice guidance criteria for the use of IMCAs in safeguarding adults published by ADASS in 2007. This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in November 2009.

Low pay Britain 2013

Briefing that identifies workers in Britain today who earn the minimum wage and less than the living wage. It describes the incidence of low wage work by gender, full or part-time employment, region, occupation, industrial sector and level of education. Data in this briefing is taken from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2010 micro data except for the detailed breakdown by education which is taken from the Labour Force Survey 2010.