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Children and parents: media use and attitudes report

Report designed to give an accessible overview of media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15. It also documents the views of parents/carers about their child’s media use, and the rules, tools and other ways that parents manage such use.

The document is based principally on findings from Ofcom’s media literacy tracker conducted in spring 2015. Where possible, within the sample of children aged 5-15 and their parents, demographic analysis is conducted by age of the child interviewed, by gender and by household socio-economic group.

Preventing multiple risky behaviors among adolescents: seven strategies

The tendency for risky behaviors to co-occur has been well-studied. However, prevention efforts traditionally have taken a targeted approach, seeking to prevent a single risky behavior.

This briefing brings together findings from developmental science and from rigorous program evaluations to identify seven actionable, feasible strategies and relevant programs that have been found to affect two or more risky behaviors.


This page contains the findings of systematic reviews undertaken by review groups linked to the EPPI-Centre. This topic is included in the EPPI-Centre knowledge library. The Knowledge Pages facility enables users to search for the key messages within specific subject areas to which EPPI-Centre reviews have contributed.

Training, support and development standards for foster care: guidance

The training, support and development (TSD) standards for foster care were developed by CWDC with input from a reference group including practitioners, foster carers, young people, Ofsted, the Fostering Network and BAAF. They were introduced in May 2007 and apply to all approved foster carers in England. The standards provide a national minimum benchmark to set out what all foster carers should know, understand and be able to do within the first 12 months of approval.

Fostering datasets

Official statistics release that reports on the numbers and profile of foster carers and children, in both local authority and independent services covering the period between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011.

It also gives data relating to types of foster care, registrations and de-registrations, and a range of other subjects.

Safeguarding children across services: messages from research on identifying and responding to child maltreatment - messages for professionals working in children's social care

The tragic deaths of Victoria Climbié in 2000 and Peter Connelly in 2007 brought the difficulties of identifying and dealing with severe neglect and abuse sharply into public focus. These children died, following weeks and months of appalling abuse, at the hands of those responsible for caring for them.

The public outcries that followed asked how the many different professionals who had seen these children and their families in the weeks before their deaths could have failed to recognise the extent of the children’s maltreatment.

Safeguarding children across services: messages from research on identifying and responding to child maltreatment - messages for health professionals working with children

The tragic deaths of Victoria Climbié in 2000 and Peter Connelly in 2007 brought the difficulties of identifying and dealing with severe neglect and abuse sharply into public focus. These children died, following weeks and months of appalling abuse, at the hands of those responsible for caring for them.

The public outcries that followed asked how the many different professionals who had seen these children and their families in the weeks before their deaths could have failed to recognise the extent of the children’s maltreatment.

Safeguarding children across services: messages from research on identifying and responding to child maltreatment - messages for professionals working in the family justice system

The tragic deaths of Victoria Climbié in 2000 and Peter Connelly in 2007 brought the difficulties of identifying and dealing with severe neglect and abuse sharply into public focus. These children died, following weeks and months of appalling abuse, at the hands of those responsible for caring for them.

The public outcries that followed asked how the many different professionals who had seen these children and their families in the weeks before their deaths could have failed to recognise the extent of the children’s maltreatment.