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Grow your own: how local authorities can support social enterprise

From April 2010 to March 2011 the Young Foundation led the Supporting Local Social enterprise action research project, commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government and the office for Civil Society. The aim was to support local authorities to better understand and develop their local social enterprise sector by working in 10 areas.

Summing up: a strategic audit of the criminal justice system

Audit that looks at the performance of the principal justice agencies through the eyes of the victims and witnesses who use them.

There are many aspects of our justice system that are very positive – for example, the fall in crime and anxiety, and rise in public confidence – but this audit shows that despite these changes, victims and witnesses are still not treated as well as they should be.

Breaking up is never easy: separating families' advice needs and the future of family justice

Report that looks at family breakdown issues in context of the Government’s Family Justice Review and reforms to family legal aid. By analysing evidence from issues presented to bureaux, this report finds that there is a growing “advice gap” in relation to family problems. The supply of information and advice to separating couples, especially from legal aid, is declining.

Company initiatives for workers with care responsibilities for disabled children or adults

Report that presents the results of Eurofound’s work on company initiatives for workers with care responsibilities for disabled children or adults.

The research focused on initiatives that employers can take to support the needs of workers who have (informal) care responsibilities, including parents caring for children with disabilities and carers of adults who need care because of disability, illness or old age.

Thematic review of youth offender casework

The focus of the thematic review was on those aspects of casework which are unique to youth offenders or are particularly problematic.

These included:
• the quality of youth offender charging decisions including pre-court disposals
• the application of the ‘grave crime’ provisions and other related provisions under S51 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 as amended
• the quality of remand applications in respect of youth offenders
• the role of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in preventing offending.

Signposts: see me, hear me, talk to me - talk to my family as well

Short paper that aims to share evidence based practice, promote local discussion and encourage improved outcomes. It does not seek to amend or replace existing statutory guidance that may be in place.

It offers some signposts to effective practice, local conversations and partnership working with a focus on improved outcomes for young carers and their families. These can be shared and taken forward locally in line with local needs and circumstances.