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All babies count: prevention and protection for vulnerable babies

Based on extensive research, consultation and original analysis, this report adds new dimensions to the case for early intervention.

It shines a light on the disproportionate vulnerability of babies to abuse and neglect; and it provides the first estimates of the numbers of babies affected by parental problems of substance misuse, mental illness and domestic abuse.

Putting the pieces together: an inspection of multi-agency public protection arrangements

Inspection of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), which was agreed by the Criminal Justice Chief Inspectors Group and formed part of the Joint Inspection Business Plan 2011-2013. It was led by HM Inspectorate of Probation, supported by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary. Its purpose was to assess the effectiveness of MAPPA in reducing the potential risk of harm to others presented by identified offenders in the community through joint working and the exchange of relevant information.

A life worth living

Report that starts by taking stock of what it is that people want as they get older. It reviews the patterns, the emerging policy and the implications for the personal and state pocket of an ageing population. At its heart this report examines how our society, young and old, can pursue a good life.

Inside madrassas: understanding and engaging with British-Muslim faith supplementary schools

Report that presents research that has been undertaken by IPPR to generate a stronger evidence base on the operation and impact of madrassas in the UK.

It identifies challenges that need to be addressed by policymakers, local communities and madrassas themselves. It also identifies ways in which madrassas can achieve their full potential as a positive influence in the lives of Muslim children and society as a whole.

The annual report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education Children’s Services and Skills 2010/11

Annual report that presents evidence from inspection and regulatory visits undertaken between September 2010 and August 2011 by the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted). It takes evidence from inspection activity across the full range of Ofsted's statutory remit, which includes early years and childcare, provision for education and skills in schools, colleges and adult learning, children's social care and local authority services for children.

Children's needs - parenting capacity

Second edition of book that provides an update on the impact of parental problems, such as substance misuse, domestic violence, learning disability and mental illness, on children’s welfare.

Research, and in particular the biennial overview reports of serious case reviews (Brandon et al 2008; 2009; 2010), have continued to emphasise the importance of understanding and acting on concerns about children’s safety and welfare when living in households where these types of parental problems are present.

On the safe side: principles for the safe accommodation of child victims of trafficking

Document that explores the issues around what makes accommodation safe for child victims of trafficking. ECPAT UK undertook structured face-to-face interviews and a roundtable discussion with a range of professionals, including local authority children’s services, the police, NGOs and organisations accommodating child victims of trafficking, as well as ascertaining the views of the young people themselves. This led to the formulation of 10 child-centred principles concerning the provision of safe accommodation for child victims and/or suspected child victims of trafficking.