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Smart cuts? Public spending on children's social care

This report tracks the rise in spending on children’s social care over the last decade in England and Wales, highlights how it is predicted to fall in 2011–12, and projects how this downward trend might develop in future years.

Finally, it estimates how spending reductions (particularly in early intervention) might affect the overall demand for and cost of children’s services over the medium term.

Perceptions of crime, engagement with the police, authorities dealing with anti-social behaviour and Community Payback: findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey

Bulletin which is the first in a series of supplementary volumes that accompany the main annual Home Office Statistical Bulletin, ‘Crime in England and Wales 2010/11’.

Figures included in this bulletin are from the British Crime Survey (BCS), a large, nationally representative, face-to-face victimisation survey in which people resident in households in England and Wales are asked about their experiences of crime in the 12 months prior to interview.

Complex responses: understanding poor frontline responses to adults with multiple needs - a review of the literature and analysis of contributing factors

Report which is the result of a large scoping review of the research literature in an attempt to understand the many and complex reasons behind poor frontline service responses to adults with multiple needs, with a particular focus on those in contact with the criminal justice system.

Understanding the worklessness dynamics and characteristics of deprived areas

The analysis in this report breaks new ground in using individual-level data on employment transitions and geographical movements to try to shed light on some unanswered questions about the dynamics of worklessness in deprived areas.

The individual-level dynamics operating in persistently deprived neighbourhoods in Great Britain are examined. The research is motivated by the need to better understand the dynamics and characteristics of deprived areas in order to support evidence-based policy responses.

Still running 3

Early findings from the Children's Society's third national survey of young runaways, 2011.

The main aims of the survey were:
1. To provide up-to-date findings on rates and experiences of running away comparable with the two previous surveys conducted in 1999 and 2005
2. To provide new insights into the links between running away and other aspects of children’s lives, through the exploration of issues not covered in previous surveys, such as family change and subjective well-being.

Rethinking disability policy

Viewpoint that reviews some aspects of disability policy since the early 1990s before making a detailed assessment of the current polices being introduced by the Coalition Government.

Themes discussed include:

- Welfare reform
- Personalisation policies and adult social care
- The political and economic context of disability policy
- The changes disabled people should be campaigning for.

Developing a business case for early interventions and evaluating their value for money

In the context of increased debate about early interventions in the UK, the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to produce guidance on what constitutes a good business case for early interventions and how it should be assessed.

The guidance will be of use to local authorities (LAs) and their partners in their decision making and planning on early interventions.