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Bottling it up: the next generation - the effects of parental alcohol misuse on children and families

Updated report on the 2006 Bottling it Up report, which analysed the views and perspectives of parents using Turning Point services, and of their children. The research found that parental alcohol misuse has a big impact on families.

It is based on the experiences of children and their parents. Turning Point analysed anonymous data relating to the thousands of people who used its alcohol treatment services in the last year.

Targeting children's centre services on the most needy families

This research aims to provide local authority early years and children’s services leaders, and children’s centre managers, with evidence of how children’s centre services are targeting the most disadvantaged families. In particular, how they are defining, identifying and prioritising families in greatest need of support, and the practical implications of targeting for local authorities, for children’s centres and for policy.

Transforming your care: a review of health and social care in Northern Ireland

In June 2011, the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Edwin Poots, MLA, announced that a Review of the Provision of Health and Social Care (HSC) Services in Northern Ireland would be undertaken. The review aimed to provide a strategic assessment across all aspects of health and social care services, examining the present quality and accessibility of services, and the extent to which the needs of patients, clients, carers and communities are being met.

The missing million: the potential for female employment to raise living standards in low to middle income Britain

The report is structured in three sections. Section 1 sets out data on long-term trends in UK female employment and on how the UK measures up internationally. Section 2 drills down into the international data to better diagnose the UK’s specific performance issues on female employment with a particular focus on maternal employment. Section 3 describes what countries with better female employment rates do differently from the UK in terms of public spending on family policy. The note concludes by sketching out some general and high-level strategic implications.

Life opportunities survey: wave one results, 2009/11

Report that presents a summary of the latest information collected from the full wave one of the Life Opportunities Survey (LOS), for which fieldwork was conducted across Great Britain between June 2009 and March 2011.

A report based on the interim results - year one of the first wave of fieldwork - was published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in December 2010. The findings in this report replace the findings presented in the interim report.