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Working outside the box: An evaluation of short breaks and intensive support services to families and disabled young people whose behaviour is severely challenging. Summary report

The summary report brings together the main findings from the evaluation undertaken of three Action for Children services in Cardiff, Glasgow and Edinburgh. These provide specialist short breaks and intensive support services to families and young people with developmental disabilities and whose behaviour is severely challenging. This summary report describes the aims of the evaluation and the methodologies used.

New approaches to supporting carers’ health and well-being: Evidence from the National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme

The National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme was developed by the Department of Health as part of the commitments made in the July 2008 National Carers’ Strategy Carers at the Heart of 21st Century Families and Communities. These commitments included new measures to improve carers’ health and well-being and were incorporated into DH financial plans in 2008-9.This report explores the extent to which the DS were able to meet their objectives and draws out learning from their experiences of delivering services to carers in new ways.

Child neglect in 2011

This report sets out the findings of the first annual review undertaken by Action for Children and the University of Stirling with the aim of establishing a baseline of the current situation for neglected children across the UK.

Reducing the numbers in custody: looking beyond criminal justice solutions

The second and final paper in the Reform Sector Strategies project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

The two papers produced as part of this work intend to generate debate among those committed to reducing the prison population on how to tackle prison expansion in England and Wales and bring about a reduction in the prison population in the longer term.

Comparative study on the practice in the field of return of minors: final report

A study on ―best practices in the field of the return of minors was carried out by ECRE, in strategic partnership with Save the Children, on behalf of the European Commission. The study looked at
legislation and practice regarding the return of children, either unaccompanied or within families, who return voluntarily or are forced to return because of their status as illegally staying third country

Families and households, 2001 to 2011

Bulletin that presents annual statistics on the number of families by type, people in families by family type and children in families by type.

A family is a married, civil partnered or cohabiting couple with or without children, or a lone parent with at least one child. Children may be dependent or nondependent.

Types of family include married couple families, cohabiting couple families and lone parent families.

Short breaks services statements: commitment and transparency

Report that looks at local authority compliance with the Short Break Duty through analysing 55 short breaks services statements that have been sent to EDCM from local authorities.

It aims to identify good practice and also to explore what further guidance it may be helpful to provide local authorities with to enable them to fully meet the requirements of the Duty and the needs of local disabled children and their families.

Mortality in the United Kingdom, 2010

A statistics publication on mortality rates for 2010. The age-standardised mortality rates in the UK for males and females were 655 and 467 deaths per 100,000 population respectively, the lowest rates ever recorded.

Between 1980 and 2010 age-standardised mortality rates for males and females have declined by 48 per cent and 39 per cent respectively. Male mortality rates have been higher than females
throughout the 30 year period, but because rates for males have fallen at a faster rate, the gap between male and female mortality has decreased.

Criminal justice v. racial justice: minority ethnic overrepresentation in the criminal justice system

The conviction of some of the perpetrators of the murder of Stephen Lawrence at the start of 2012 has led to a renewed focus on the institutional racism in our criminal justice system; institutional racism that meant that the Lawrence family had to wait over 18 years for any form of justice. Media comment has focused on the headline grabbing disparities in the use of stop and search, recruitment and retention in the police service, and access to justice for victims of racist violence. These are the issues that are addressed in this paper.