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A summative report on the qualitative evaluation on the eleven remodelling social work pilots 2008-11

The social work remodelling project was a pilot programme developed to allow authorities to explore different ways of delivering social work practice. Local authorities were provided with additional resources to attempt to address the deficits they identified in delivering an effective social work offer to children and their families.

Alcohol brief interventions 2015/16

"An alcohol brief intervention is a short, evidence-based, structured conversation about alcohol consumption with a patient/client that seeks in a non-confrontational way to motivate and support the individual to think about and/or plan a change in their drinking behaviour in order to reduce their consumption and/or their risk of harm"

Total number of alcohol brief interventions delivered by Health Boards during 2015/16. ABI delivery was formally linked to the NHS Scotland Local Delivery Plan (LDP) as an LDP standard.

Turning around the lives of families with multiple problems: an evaluation of the Family and Young Carer Pathfinders Programme

The evidence from this study presents a compelling case for local authorities and their partners to develop and implement intensive family intervention with families with multiple and complex needs. Whilst funding for the Pathfinders formally ended in 2010, four fifths of the Family Pathfinder and Young Carer Pathfinders are being sustained in some form. The current government is supporting national and local activity to turn around the lives of families with multiple problems.

Reducing the risk, cutting the cost: an assessment of the potential savings from Barnardo's interventions for young people who have been sexually exploited

Briefing that sets out the key findings from the research and highlights the implications of the research for responding to the needs of young people who have been sexually exploited.